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How to Stage Your Beachfront Outdoor Living Space

How to Stage Your Beachfront Outdoor Living Space

John Williams

Selling your beachfront home can be hard when the market is flooded with a lot of different types of properties. Some offer access and views of the beach while others offer true beachfront access. Knowing how to stage your outdoor living space is important to show potential buyers what kind of life they can have after purchasing your home. Consider these ways to stage your beachfront outdoor living space in order to entice an offer.

Show the Lifestyle

Potential buyers want to purchase a beachfront property in order to have an entirely different lifestyle than what they currently have. Make sure that they understand the fun and benefits that a beachfront home can offer. Create little areas of your outdoor living space that subtly point towards all of the potential fun on the beach. This could include a tub of well-used sand castle buckets and shovels as well as a basket full of clean towels. Additional ways to incorporate beach fun into your outdoor space are to include a small rack of firewood and s’more ingredients to hint to romantic beachfront fires overlooking the sunset.

Include Plenty of Seating

Those looking to purchase a beachfront home will want to see an outdoor living space that has invested in seating options. Part of living right on the beach is enjoying the view and the sun from the luxury of your own backyard. Make sure to stage your outdoor living space with high-end outdoor furniture pieces that will weather nicely as well as provide a lot of extra comfort. Consider rolling the cost of these pieces into the price of your home to help potential buyers truly envision themselves in your home.

Include two seats at a very minimum with more seating options being preferred by many buyers. Mix up the kind of seating to give potential buyers the feeling that they could invite over friends and family to enjoy the beach with them.

Add Organization

An important part of any outdoor living space is to make sure that the space feels well put together. The beach offers many great aspects but also requires a lot of extra items like towels, shoes, and plenty of sand. Make sure to have distinct areas within the outdoor space where these items are stored to create order to the space. Installing plenty of hooks for wet towels as well as an area for sandy shoes to stay are a good thing to do when staging a beachfront home. If you have some time before showing off your home, add an outdoor water feature to wash off sandy toes or even an outdoor shower to ensure that sand doesn’t become a problem indoors.

Use Native Plants

Adding plants to your beachfront outdoor living space is an important part of adding to the natural beauty that is already abundant. Choose low maintenance native plants that will fare well in the conditions of your area. Plants that can tolerate salty conditions, like Beach Rose, Yucca, and Sumac, are all good choices for the salty beach air. Fill in bare areas of your outdoor living space with planter boxes of native plants as well as line the edge of your property with plants in order to define where your private property starts.

Being in Florida, you may want to consider using bug repelling plants to help ward away pesky insects. It is also quite important to incorporate plants along the outside edge of your living space to provide an important element of privacy.

Staging the outdoor spaces of your beachfront property are essential to receiving offers on your home. Potential buyers want the lifestyle of the beach and will be spending plenty of time outdoors. Making sure that the outdoor portions of your home are in great condition will help show potential homeowners what they can look forward to after purchasing your home. Consider all of these tips on how to stage your beachfront outdoor living space in order to quickly get an offer on your home.

John Williams is an outdoor living expert and explorer, and writer for LawnStarter. When he’s not traveling to nature’s most well-known beauty spots, he tends to the greenery surrounding his home.

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